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| Bischoff I, Eckelt E & Kuhlmann M. 2005. On the biology of the Ivy-Bee Colletes hederae Schmidt & Westrich, 1993 (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Bonner Zoologische Beiträge 53: 27-36. |
| Bischoff I, Feltgen K & Breckner D. 2003. Foraging strategy and pollen preferences of Andrena vaga (Panzer) and Colletes cunicularius (L.) (Hymenoptera : Apidae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 12(2) : 220-237. |
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| Guichard KM. 1974. Colletes halophilus Verhoeff (Hym., Apidae) and its Epeolus parasite at Swanscombe Kent, wit a key to the British species of Colletes Latreille
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| Kuhlmann M, Else GR, Dawson A & Quicke DLJ. 2007. Molecular, biogeographical and phenological evidence for the existence of three western European sibling species in the Colletes succinctus group (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Organisms, Diversity & Evolution 7: 155–165. |
| Leclercq, J. 1978. Hymenoptera Apoidea Colletidae, Halictidae, Melittidae, Megachilidae et Anthophoridae (partim), cartes 1483 à 1571. in Atlas provisoire des insectes de Belgique, Leclercq, J., Gaspar, Ch., Verstraeten, Ch. ed. FSAGx. |
| Mant JG, Brändli C, Vereecken NJ, Schulz C, Francke W & Schiestl FP. 2005. Cuticular hydrocarbons as source of the sex pheromone in Colletes cunicularius (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) and the key to its mimicry by the sexually deceptive orchid Ophrys exaltata (Orchidaceae). Journal of Chemical Ecology 31 (8): 1765-1787. see also:http://www.springerlink.com/content/k37583689138538m/?p=7a5fb7ec846e4834abb6a0dfd160c63c&pi=0 |
| Noskiewicz J. 1936. Die paläarktischen Colletes-Arten. Prace Naukowe Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego we Lwowie 3: 1-531. Traduction partielle (clef) par Lucrèce Chartry 1993, Université de Mons-Hainaut. see also:http://www.zoologie.umh.ac.be/hymenoptera/biblio/Chartry_1994_Noskiewicz_1936_Colletes_Palearctiques_full.pdf |
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 | Vereecken N, Toffin E & Michez D. 2006b. Observations relatives à la biologie et à la nidification de quelques abeilles sauvages psammophiles d’intérêts en Wallonie 2. Observations estivales et automnales. Parcs et réserves, 61 (4) : 12-20. |
 | Vereecken N, Toffin E, Gosselin M & Michez D. 2006a. Observations relatives à la biologie et à la nidification de quelques abeilles sauvages psammophiles d’intérêts en Wallonie 1. Observations printanières. Parcs et réserves, 61 (1) : 8-13. |
| Vereecken NJ. 2004. Mate choice and odour preferences in the solitary bee Colletes cunicularius (L.) (Hymenoptera, Colletidae), the exclusive pollinator of the (sexually deceptive) orchid Ophrys exaltata (Orchidaceae). Travail de fin d’études, Faculté Universitaire des Sciences Agronomiques de Gemboux (100p). |
| Vereecken NJ & Mahé G. 2007. Larval aggregations of the blister beetle Stenoria analis (Schaum) (Coleoptera: Meloidae) sexually deceive patrolling males of their host, the solitary bee Colletes hederae Schmidt & Westrich (Hymenoptera: Colletidae). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 43(4). |
| Vereecken NJ, Mant J & Schiestl FP. 2007. Population differentiation in female mating signals and male preferences in a solitary bee. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 61(5): 811-821. see also:http://www.springerlink.com/content/k826136384x25111/?p=e6934e2d50c14eba8a3a9e1cac6028b7&pi=0 |