Pachynomia aliena

(Cameron 1898)

Taxon referenced in page Pachynomia
Author(s) : Pauly A.
Pachynomia aliena (CAMERON 1898)
Nomia aliena CAMERON, 1898: 72, FFF. Lectotype FFF : Mussoorie, Rothney, OUMNH, désigné ici (examiné). [Remarque: une étiquette de Baker: “Not the type of Nomia aliena: this was described from a FFF taken at Poona by Wroughton.” Mais voir son commentaire dans sa publication en 2002 (p. 29) : « Type material was not traced in BMNH but a FFF in Rothney Collection in OUMNH, although labelled Musoorie Rothney, printed red, may well be the type : Cameron was notoriously careless in his labelling and descriptions”. !]
= Nomia opacula COCKERELL, 1920: 207, FFF. Holotype FFF : India, Nasik, leg. Comber, USNM (examiné). Syn. nov.
Distribution : Inde, Sri-Lanka.



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